
PauseAI National Groups

PauseAI National Groups

  • Manage, coach and coordinate their own local communities .
  • Are responsible for national-level strategy and coordination.
  • Typically have their own website, social media accounts and legal entity.
  • Do national-level lobbying and media outreach.

Relationship with PauseAI Global

  • National groups are expected to follow the PauseAI strategy (Theory of Change , Communication Strategy , Growth Strategy ).
  • National groups can apply for Microgrants from PauseAI Global to fund all sorts of activities.
  • The Oversight Team at PauseAI Global monitors and coaches national groups to ensure they are successful and aligned with the global strategy.

Current National PauseAI Groups

How to set up a PauseAI National Group

  1. Create a #project in the PauseAI discord to describe what you’re planning on doing
  2. Reach out to the Oversight team at PauseAI global. They can help with funding, support, materials. They’ll give you an countryname@pauseai.info email address.
  3. Create materials
    1. Logo, you can use the figma
      which contains some examples for other countries
    2. Flyer (again, figma!). Ask for help if you need it. More flyers can be found in the public drive
    3. Website? You can do this in three ways:
      1. Wait until PauseAI.info offers automated translations. Perhaps you can have your own page on the pauseai.info website. E.g. PauseAI NYC .
      2. Clone the PauseAI github repo, translate it and adjust to taste! We can help host it if needed.
      3. Make your own custom website, like PauseIA
  4. Set up internal communication channel / group chat
    1. e.g. WhatsApp / Signal / Telegram / Discord.
    2. Choose something popular to maximize engagement
  5. Set up Social media accounts. (e.g. X, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok)
    1. Consider which tools are important for your country and target audience.
    2. Consider a tool like Buffer to schedule posts. Look at PauseAI X posts for inspiration. You can plan a whole list in one go!
  6. Recruitment. Get people to join your group.
    1. Find people in relevant groups (EA, AI safety)
    2. Take advantage of any networking events
    3. Launch event
      1. Maxime did this for PauseIA FR
      2. Rent a nice location a few months in advance
      3. Invite good speakers, journalists, relevant people, potential volunteers
      4. Get reimbursed for the costs by PauseAI
      5. This is how you can get know quickly!
    4. Local Organizing Guide has some advice on recruitment which may transfer well to national level
  7. Set up activities
    1. Posting things to your socials
    2. Flyering / Tabling (especially in student group fairs at college campuses, also great for recruitment)
    3. Workshops (e.g. lobby workshop, protest workshop)
    4. Lobbying directly
    5. Media outreach / journalist outreach
    6. Protesting
      1. Perhaps in multiple cities, or one larger in one location
      2. Read more here