
Tabling for PauseAI

One of the most direct ways to have an impact, is by convincing people one-on-one. By setting up a table in public (example

), and inviting people to talk to you, you can reach a lot of people in a short amount of time. This not only increases awareness, but is also a great way to recruit new people to PauseAI.


  • Table: You need a table to put your materials on. A folding table is ideal, but any table will do.
  • Chairs: You need chairs for yourself and any volunteers.
  • Materials: Flyers are especially useful to hand out to others.
  • Sign / banner: Have a piece of cardboard or cloth that catches attention of bystanders and invites interaction: “AI could lead to human extinction. Change my mind.”
    or something similar.
  • Location: Choose a location with a lot of foot traffic. A busy street corner, a park, or a university campus are all good options.
  • Find a buddy: It’s more fun to table with company. You can take turns talking to people, and keep each other company if you’re not getting a lot of attention.
  • Film & share: If you can, film your interactions and share them on social media. Consider doing a livestream. If you can’t edit videos, we can help you with that.
  • Share your idea on the Discord: Let us know what your plan is, so we can help and join!

While tabling

  • Engage: Be friendly and approachable. Smile and make eye contact.
  • Ask questions: Ask people what they know about AI, and what they think about it. This will help you tailor your message to their concerns.

For more information and tips, check out the flyering guide and the local organizing guide .