
How we grow the PauseAI movement

Our core goal is to implement our proposal and prevent AI catastrophe. But how do we get there? Individually, we can only do so much. This is why we are a movement, a community something bigger than ourselves.

Growth strategy

  • Be visible. We cannot grow if we are not seen. We need to be present in the places where people are. We need to be visible in the media, in the streets, and in the halls of power.
  • Be active. We inspire action by taking action.
  • Be transparent. Do as much in public as possible. Share your resources (images, documents, website) under open licenses. Make them easy to discover and re-use. Prefer public channels over DMs. Make digital meetings public. That way, people can chime in and help out. It also makes it easier to trust us.
  • Be local. Movements mostly grow through face-to-face, personal interactions. That’s why we encourage each other to organize local social events, protests, lectures and workshops. PauseAI Global helps to set up local communities .
  • Be courageous. We don’t just speak up, we act. Protesting is scary and costly, but it’s necessary. We need to be brave and take risks. Courage inspires courage.
  • Be welcoming. We want to be a group that people like to be part of. Make a good first impression to new people. Allow people to join, even if your opinions differ from theirs. We’re united by our goal.
  • Be recognizable. We have a clear, visual brand with a recognizable logo and color scheme. Our name says what we want: PauseAI. Our assets are free to use and can be easily found.
  • Give people responsibility. We give up some of our control to let others grow. We make big asks and give big responsibilities. When people feel in control, they are more likely to act.
  • Help others grow. Nobody is born an activist or a lobbyist, but we can learn to become one. Share your lessons and experiences, and help others to grow.
  • Be personal. We share our personal stories and emotions. People connect with people, not with abstract ideas.
  • Build alliances. We are not alone. We need to work with other groups and movements. We can learn from them and they can learn from us. Find common ground and common interests. Do not push them away if they do not share all our our ideas.

Member journey

  1. Hear about PauseAI. Perhaps through our social media channels, an article in a newspaper, through one of our podcasts, or by finding one of our pages on a search engine. Our messages often are designed to explain the problem, explain the solution, and inspire action. As people want to find out more, we direct people towards our website. Check out our communication strategy for more information.
  2. Visit the website. The website is firstly designed to inform people about the thing they want to learn more about. But it does not stop there - every page is also designed to steer people towards joining PauseAI .
  3. Join PauseAI. People fill in the form, and become members. We ask them a couple of questions (where they are from, how they can help). We invite people to join the discord - this is where most of the collaboration happens.
  4. Onboarding team reaches out. A special group of volunteers is responsible for making new members feel welcome, and turn interested members into contributing activists. They reach out through email or Discord DMs, and match new members with vacancies and teams .
  5. Become a volunteer. If the volunteer has found a team to join, and if that member is willing to contribute time and sign the agreement, they formally become a volunteer. They can opt-in to be shown on the People page and they can get an @pauseai.info email address.
  6. Join a team. The volunteer should join one or more teams and contribute there!

Help out

Join our discord server and see what you can do to help us grow.